BOA Jewels Collection features the iconic Ziio long bracelets.

The Boa bracelet is a long, thin bracelet that is wrapped two or three times around the wrist. It is also beautiful and original to wear as a chocker, around the neck.

Bracelet Shinju Boa Green_2
Bracelet Shinju Boa Garnet_6

Boa Shinju

Boa Z

Mirror & Armonia

Boa Long

Boa Tabiz - Boa Zirco

BOA Made To Order

Originally, the first Ziio Boa was created in the 1980s. It was called the Chocker Garnet: rich, elegant and powerful. Today, the Chocker model, embellished with garnets or lapis lazuli, is available to order.

Boa Jewels Collection-Boa Bracelet and Ckocker

BOA Jewels Collection: The Chocker GRENAT Lapis – Available to order.





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