TETHIS Jewels Collection

TETHIS Jewels Collection

Tethis Jewels Collection: the nymphs’ inspiration is still alive.

In Greek mythology,  Thetis is a Nereid (sea nymph), daughter of Nereus and Doris. She is the mother of the hero Achilles.

The Nereids are marine nymphs,  all daughters of the marine god Nereus and the Oceanid Doris. There are fifty of them and they form the procession of Poseidon; associated particularly with the Aegean Sea, they reside with their father in the depths of a silver cave.

They are represented as beautiful young girls with hair entwined with pearls, carried on dolphins or seahorses, and holding in their hands sometimes a trident, sometimes a crown or a victory, sometimes a coral branch. Sometimes they are represented as mermaids, half-women and half-fish.

They are benefactors, protect the brides who come to dive in their source, inspire humans and heal them of their ills. Lovers of the gods, but generally mere mortals living for thousands of years, the carefree nymphs sing in the places they occupy. From their union with mortals came the heroes, the demigods.

2nd century AD, statue in marble from Paros, 2.11m high, discovered in 1764 in Civita Lavinia, Italy.

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Tethis Jewels Collection-Bracelet-modern Nymphe-Ziio Jewels

Modern nymphs in an Italian Garden

Tethis Jewels Collection

Ovale shape Mother of pearls brightens this collection of Bracelets.

Wide, long, or fine, they are a delicate match of different semi precious stones with mother of pearls and a silver cufflink.


Thetis Bracelet Large – Dimensions: 21 × 4.50 cm

This Bracelet is made with 22 fine oval mother-of-pearl beads, specially cut for the Maison Ziio. The multiple semi precious stones used in Tethis:

Apatite, Agata, Onyx, Mother of Pearl, Zirconia,  Silver 925 .

Delicately handmade.

Tethis Jewels Collection

Boa Bracelets. Dimensions: 38 × 1.20 cm

They are made with twelve fine oval mother-of-pearl beads, specially cut for the Maison Ziio.

The multiple semi precious stones used in Tethis:

Onyx, Mother of Pearl, Zirconia, Malachite, Lapis lazuli.

Delicately handmade.

Exclusive pieces: some stones may vary in color from one piece to another.

Tethis Jewels Collection

Bracelets Sil. Dimensions: 19.50 × 1.20 cm

They are made with two fine oval mother-of-pearl beads, specially cut for the Maison Ziio.

The multiple semi precious stones used in Tethis:

Onyx, Mother of Pearl, Zirconia, Malachite, Lapis lazuli.

Delicately handmade.

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